Friday, December 29, 2006

we went ice-skating today.
this morn, i woke up a lil' too early. hahas.
then met LUNS and cal at the MRT at 9.15am.
wad else can we do at the mrt platform. took the MRT to jurong.
hehe. we were first to reach (:
then nic came. WITH CHOCOLATE. (:
then we thought blodwen will be last to reach cos she said last night that she will be late and last to reach.
but when she reached we called sean. he's at church. =.="
so sean outwitted her! and was the last to reach.
we went arcade. then sean came when we were playign daytona. to be more exact, when i was screaming and shouting.
then we went upstairs.
blodwen saw dawn. then i saw dawn, so i waved. (even though i seriously dun know her.) and they all waved to her. yups.
we paid and went to the rink.
then changed into those shoes.
then skated, and me and cal took very long to get used to it.
so dun expect much frm me.
then they played the ice-skating version of burn out. we just scare or push the person to make the person fall.
APPARENTLY. someone who's skating for the first time fell down when nic scared her. RAWR.
the two kept trying to make us fall.
then LUN and BLOD started chasing after them.
then me and cal FOLLOWED behind them. we go one round, they go 2. =.="
then we borrowed sean's phone to take photos. haha.
returned the blades and by the time it was abt 1++.
and when we walked out, i saw eunice,brina,jessica.
greeted them lah, wad else can i do.
then we went to take neoprints!
after neos we did something dumb.
we went to take bus 66 frm jurong to bugis.
that took like so so so so long lurh.
me and blod were rotting already.
finally we reached there around 3pm.
they got their guitar class.
so we waited.
4.30pm the lesson ended.
4.45pm we went to eat LUNCH.
ok then went home.

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