Friday, December 22, 2006

i decided to blog about 16th of dec.
cos it was fun luh.
went to church at 9+am to eat with grace and xinyi and nic.
then nic was saying dunno wad he need to sleep, not coming to church AT ALL and all the blabbers that eventually turned out as lies cos he suddenly appeared. =.=
then we had praise team. waited for huilun to come till 11.15am when she was supposed to be at 10.30am or she'll hafta pay nic $5. haha. we suppose that nic must have forgotten the whole entire thing.
during praise team was rather hilarious lah. cos the song jingle bells was changed to chinese version and it goes 'ling ling ling, ling ling ling ... ...' and eventually the 3 jokers sang it as 'ling ling ling, ling ling ling, wo yao chi ice cream.' =.=
then we went to eat lunch wth liyun laoshi. she treated us to this turkey shop at peace centre with liyun, dezhong and BLOD and HUILUN.
we ate beef rolls with LOTS OF VEG. *no comments*. dumb blod kept laughing and moving about that some sauce landed on my bag, the MINNIE ONE. rawr. then she got a new roll without any sauce. she couldnt finish hers. and she 'packeted' it up "FOR BRINGING HOME". four throwing away not in fround of them that is.
HUILUN found out another thing. that all of us dun eat chilli except for HUILUN.
anyway.we ate and den sean, nick and weijing came and ate too.
after the meal was done, we went to play arcade at abt 1.10.
the musical was at 2pm. i dun understand why i actually followed in luh. =.=
haha.dunno whose brilliant idea of going in LAH.
i WATCHED them play cars and and lost terribly in bishi bashi.
BUT HALF THE TIMEI WAS SAYING. 'eh hurry up leh.'
until 1.32pm me and huilun walked out. THEY FOLLOWED lah.
no time for MRT. i made the decision to take TAXI.
then 6 of us mah. so HUILUN did her best and persuaded the auntie to let all 6 of us in.
den weijing and nicholas sat on the floor of the taxi.cos ya. the whole time, nick and weijing kept on pulling blod's shoelaces and laughing. WONDER WHY SEAN DINT JOIN IN. then we reached at 2.20pm. when the doors were supposed to closing at we ran to the max pavillion. practically i was the kanchiong one. in the end doors dint close until very late luh. hah. immeditaely we settled down and watched the show. the show is nice but the girl cannot sing. then took MRT back to dhoby ghauht. and we walked back to peace centre.we found out something.
QUOTED FROM HUILUN cos i cant do this kind of thing.
"dat ahem ahem **** ahem ahem.and ahem ahem walks lyk ahem ahem."
we went to the ARCADE YET AGAIN. and played bishi bashi. xinyi STILL won. and yizhen STILL lost. then we discovered dat nic left wthout telling us. those 2 laughed. so actually nic stole xinyi's daisy duck keychain. maybe he noes he would miss her. so he took the key chain! HAHAAHAHAHH.

THEN WENT CHURCH for er tong bu dao hui.
my dad was the host or something. anyway its just the caterpillar thats nice. he had the BIGGEST and NICEST caterpillar among the teachers.
we sang without music. =.=
then the skit was quite nice but inappropriate.
after everything, they all started to jump jump jump to grab balloons. i saw liao buay tahan. then stand there and watch lor. still can do wad. at first all their balloons all give tiffany. then tiffany dunno go where i become the temperary balloon holder. stand there and they 'merry christmas' me then pass me the balloons. =.= dunno why xinyi kept on accidentally letting go of her balloons. diaos. then, we helped to arrange chairs back to the original positions. then go home.


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