Saturday, December 23, 2006

171206- sunday.

woke up at like 7+ to go church. wait awhile for my uncle to reach my house.
i was like so afraid that i'll be late cos praise team leading with jing qian.
me blodwen and huilun wore the same socksi bought from tokyo!
reached church about 8.45am. JUST NICE.
surprisingly blodwen actually reached at 8.35am.
then she waited for me downstars.
teacher ask us not to be late.
end up she reach at 9am. =.=
then she come and say:' aiya jin tian mei ge ren dou mei you dai ta men the ge zhi, shuo yi wo men zhan zai hou mian.'
translated: 'today everyone (every human) never bring their scores, so we have to stand at the back.'
DIAOS, like me, blodwen, huilun, sean, weijing and some one else brought the scores lor. so we not human arh. =.=
praise started. then ended.
lesson started. we were all damn hyper that day. then eventually grace had to stop in between to give us time to LAUGH. hahaha. then lesson ended.
THEN WE HAD POLLING. *no comments*
chairman: sean
vice chair: huilun
secretary: yizhen
vice secretary: blodwen
logistic members: nicholas, beng jui
event members: weijing, dezhong
treasurer: minwei, joelle
contacts: suoting,daole


then after that cos we were supposed to go to grace's house, me, blodwen, weijing and sean waited for grace laoshi at forth floor inside the hall. cos they had meeting. then, THEY started to play with chairs. like jumping up the whole stack of chairs. I WATHED THEM AGAIN.
while they were playing i looked out. THEIR MEETING ENDED. we hurry ran down to look for grace; lucky found her. then we set off in grace's car together with joelle and her sis. on the car we ordered pizza and kfc.(:
when we reached there, weijing, and sean started scaring blodwen using the fake RUBBER cockroach. SHE WAS REALLY SCARED. grace turn on some show. i watched abit then sian liao. finally the food came,i finished one whole entired large colesaw. and they were super amazed cos they all dun like veg and coleslaw. blodwen almost finished the large whipped potatoes. there was remaining coleslaw, so we played zhong ji mi ma. punishment at first was to eat one piece of popcorn chicken then popcorn chicken finish liao, we had to eat one mouthful of colesaw. GRACE KEPT LOSING. and she hates colesaw. oh. we've got a photo of her eating the coleslaw. a totally disgusted face. then weijing is FOREVER saying de number next to the last one. and he told us disgusting stuffs about ROCKMELON. but it was funny.
then we went grace's room.
WA SO GREEN. looked through her photos. HER FACE DINT CHANGE SINCE YOUNG.
then we waited for me dad to come cos he lobanging them to the mrt station.



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