Friday, November 03, 2006


031106 is funny. (:
hannah joyce yizhen went to parkway. (yizhen and hannah WITH INSTRUMENTS.)
supposed to be 11.45am meet at dreaded 7-11 side busstop.
yizhen was still at east shore hosp 11.30am.
little did she noe she received a sms at 11.32am frm joyce saying: i'm sorry! i just left home! sorry!
yizhen was speechless. but she still replied: aiyo... im reaching soon.
so joyce said she was going to take mrt, fine with yizhen anyway. she had her storybook. (:
so i soon called hannah. then engaged.
then called again. HAHAHAHA.
she picked up. saying shes still at BEDOK. i almost fainted. but nevertheless, yizhen contnued reading her book.
then joyce called and say shes reaching. great.
then she came.
and we decided not to wait any longer for hannah.
and we left for parkway.
poor hannah walked there alone.
then we went YOSHINOYA.
and as USUAL yizhen ate the most. HAHAHA.
then we took bus to school,
cos had band sectionals.
and hannah went crazy.
she kept singing the JUST FOR LAUGHS SONG.
and we were high. (and we sat on stacked chairs. =X )
sectionals did gimmicks. haha.

rather fun lah.
and as usual yizhen ran down immediately after she packed her stuff cos her dad is alr waiting.

now in msn.

NAIL-less me says:you and your just for laughs
will&wont. says:HAHHA
will&wont. says:NICE OKAY!
will&wont. says:(:

shes still in love with it. =.="

later on i dunno wad happened but i started sayin SL stuff.

NAIL-less me says:nxt time if u be SL ppl dunno wad will happen
will&wont. says:hahahahha
will&wont. says:if i be sl, the sky will drop down okay
NAIL-less me says:not bad leh. then i can feel the clouds.
will&wont. says:HAHAHAHA
will&wont. says:FUNNY
NAIL-less me says:cool leh
will&wont. says:hahaha
will&wont. says:actually quite cool lah
NAIL-less me says:of course.
will&wont. says:i think clouds feel like candy floss(:
will&wont. says:SOFT
NAIL-less me says:then i wan to eat them!! (:

HAHA. I WAN CLOUDS. :))))) im high now.

next discussion. NAMES.

NAIL-less me says:joyizhan
NAIL-less me says:look wads that.
will&wont. says:hahahaah
will&wont. says:whats that?
NAIL-less me says:joyce yizhen hannah
NAIL-less me says:joyizhan
will&wont. says:HAHAH
will&wont. says:coool
will&wont. says:(:
will&wont. says:take the first letter of your name, second letter of my name and third letter of joyce's name
will&wont. says:and you get...
will&wont. says:YAY
NAIL-less me says:yay. =X

something's wrong with us. but at least we enjoy being like that. (:

HANNAH's crazy with this word, APPASSIONATO

will&wont. says:can we make it!
NAIL-less me says:why
will&wont. says:its in ROSA
will&wont. says:and its a nice word(:
will&wont. says:hahaha


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