Tuesday, July 03, 2007

HAHAHA. im going to blog. like long awaited.
yay i played ABD game with nurul just now. HAHA.

and in 3e5 its funny.
or rather, sitting beside yvette and shiying is funny.
yvette has the funniest 'WHY' on earth lah. and her BEST FRIEND-ing issues. HAHA.
then that shiying, look at her letters man. your eyes will just STOP, DROP, ROLL. haha.

ok. i was supposed to let you guys know what yvette says about me. HAHA.

"sitting beside yizhen is absolutely nonsensical but funny, hahhah.

mrs geography : so the rest of you are just fence-sitters? (she asked us to raise our hands to answer some question and less than half of the class responded. what does fence-sitters mean anyway?!)yizhen : (doing something other than listening to her) huh? french kissers?

TSKTSK yizhen. and mrs geography is so ARGH.how are we gonna survive six weeks."
haha. now you know. (:

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