Sunday, March 04, 2007

after service, lionel was like asking us if we have prepared for the games for the camp. HAHAHA, like so obvious we didnt lah. then that xinyi keep on saying no prob, no prob, to shut lionel up. LOL. after that, we fenban-ed. our teachers didnt come, so xinyizhen went to huilun's class. LOL, xinyi kena suaned by nick like what. so funny. HAHA. after fenban, we went back for tuan qi. huilun, minwei, dezhong&weicheng were leading the praise. first they sang solo suposedly, but dezhiong said 'rang wo mnen yi qi chang' so we all sang lah. then dunno why the luiyun laoshi come and say me for singing when its their solo. LIKE WTH lor. dezhong was so funny that even huilun who was on stage was laughing also. the teens joined us. NO COMMENT. after tuanqi, we went out and that tiffany came to find us. omg lah. ate some cake and went downstairs. we saw xiaosean but he was like frowning lah, my tian. cos, he's sick and he want to eat beehoon. xinyi took this packet of beehoon but xiao sean refuse to eat. he only wants the one nic will bring for him. =.= so nic came with this beehoon and xiaosean was like so happy. but still got cry abit lah. we brought him upstairs, and xinyi fed US. haha. we went off after that with some stupid excuse. we then went bugis to buy wallet. HAHA. and also we wanted to buy peiyong present(but apparently didnt). we chose this purple wallet, nice lah. we tried to find a present for peiyong, to no avail. she want buy shirt but like so gay. HAHA. then we went long john to meet them. no seats lah, so we had to buy back church to eat lah. we studied ok. that blodwen went back earlier lor, pangseh. i finished my homework, then helped them. it was MATHEMATICS okay. like my tian, i so lan still can tech people. hope i dun teach the wrong thing sia. LOL. left quite late lah. do work until never see time, TYPICALLY YIZHEN. my mum called then i was like omg and then went back lor. HAHA. thats the end.

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