zomg, it has been a week since
SPECTRUM which is
20072007, but it felt like it was yesterday, also felt like last month. grr, thats the post-PI BLUES. you feel that its still near. ): i want PI 4 time every year, HAHA. i shall blog about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G that happened, lol.
i came to school in PANIC, because of SOMETHING that shouldn't be mentioned here. and haha, it was good in the end (: after MOTHER TONGUE, we left class, more panic, changing, decorating, practicing, adjusting uniforms, SETTLING THE EMOTIONS. we had so much to do in such a short period of time, tsk.
so school A came so early, and i talked to them, haha, i felt like a freak lah omg, im not so scary what, but haha, they're sec 2s, i allow them to be scared. HAHA.
then school B . i said hello, and told them about the CC board, THEY
BLOODY ROLLED THEIR EYES AT ME just because i said the board is nice, cos i have some effort. but it's nice what, what
snoobish people.
haha, soon ST PAT'S came. 4 of them. HAHA, tuition friend, =.=
i felt like idiot, cos i asked questions and NO ONE answered.
so i ask,
"ey why you all ask for 2 extra slots arh?"clint or someone replied,
"cos we're special."and my =.= face came. HAHA. but they're funny people, HAHAHA.
soon it started. I WAS
when all the EXCO on stage, yvette, rara, vidthiya and all cheered for me, 'GO! YIZHEN!' and i was going to give =.= face but apparently no one would be able to see. HAHA.
sadly, we screwed up the EXCO bowing, and i almost fell. thats damn EMBARRASSING and UNGLAM, but no one remembered! and surprisingly people told me it was okay, yay.
oh and i was always SMILING, according to so many people, but hello, its so funny cos when you're on stage, everyone looks so small and CUTE, and i have CLASSMATES who keep making me want to laugh, but haha, me and denise and krystel were talking behind the smile, and i realised that denise was talking to sally too.
PUBlications chairperson.
haha.the funniest was the performanceS. haha, band one especially. THANKS SO MUCH KRYSTEL, KAILING, DENISE AND JASLYN! haha, it was hilarious, from what we hear from the LAUGHTER, it must have indeed made the atmosphere less tensed luh, haha. then the collide was so funny. cos someone apparently shoved the mic to me, and the wire cannot extend anymore, so i walked boldly and passed it to someone then go back to my rightful place, GRR. it was ma lu can. but haha, not much atonal happenings, prefects can sing after all. (:
then haha, then it ended! so its BUFFET and CHAPERONING. haha, food's the best! haha. i realised that krys already know her chaperonee, HAHA, i know my chaperonee, but i've nevet talked to him in tuition before, ahah. lucky st pats wasn't boring like *** and ***, haha. so i had fun luh, HAHAHHA. oh, it was CLINT'S AND MATTHEW'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN. haha, school tour. JUNXIANG and MATTHEW had to go. so we were left with CLINT AND RAEDI. watched abit NPCC POP, haha, knock knock, HAHAHA.
OH, my section did the GAY filming of happy bday video, haha, i think i was so GAY.
but haha, so i had tuition later (AGAIN), and it was so retarded, cos SOMEONE spoiled my image, went to tell people that im HYPER, grr, no. my image's gone, so ya, THANKS. haha.
oh, i went to salimah's blog and decided to QUOTE.
"So congratulations my dear wonderful amazing prefects! You guys made your PI AMAZING! Now it's your time to rest and focus on your studies but don't forget the Sec 4 Farewell ... "-salimah
photos. later okay.